I use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram mainly to stay connected with my friends who live in different states.  I'm mainly on Twitter because there are many opportunities for me to enter contests and win free stuff.  Twitter is also the place where I first here about breaking news stories.  With Facebook and Instagram I feel it is more of a popularity contest to see who can have the most friends or followers.  I know many people who add people just so they can get more likes on pictures and to show how many friends they have.  I know people who add someone they only met once just so they can have over a thousand friends.  
I wouldn't consider myself addicted to social media, just because I so rarely go on theses sites.  I would say I'm addicted to my phone, I play games, take pictures, and always check my email.  More recently I have kept my phone extra close to me only because I am excepting a phone call for a new job.  I love my phone, but I could definitely go 24 hours without my phone.

I think that the film Gamer failed to please audiences and critics because it was so far fetched and over the top.  I also think it depends on the viewer.  In my opinion I didn't like the film because I think the idea of people controlling other people as a video game character is just really unrealistic.  In a way we are sometimes controlled by other people, for example we have to follow rules in school and laws.  The idea of our actions actually being controlled by someone with a remote is very unrealistic.
I think that a viewer who is into video games and a fictional world would find this movie very interesting.  Many would argue that the reason people didn't like this film is because this world they are living in is unrealistic and would never happen.  I 

The 3-D in this film distracts the audience from the obvious racism taking place throughout the film.  Since the audience is to focused on all the amazing effects, feeling like they are apart of the Na'vi, they aren't too concerned about the plot of the movie.  

While the 3-D effects in avatar don't have objects flying out at us instead it has us feeling like we are apart of this new world that James Cameron has created just for us.  People may be distracted by the visual effects, but soon they will get over that and start focusing on the movie.  Cameron's intentions weren't to distract people from his main points in this movie.  He brings up a lot of issues concerning racism, government, and protecting the environment.  If the story was told a different way with a different ending, I believe that critics will still say the film is racist.  No matter what 3-D effects Cameron does critics will still say his movie is racist.